Launch 2015
01: Introduction
The New Reality in Luxury
A Ten Year Development
The conversation on luxury has changed. The bling era of a decade ago — once distinguished by mass production, logo-heavy branding, and bloated prices — is out, replaced by a quieter, value-driven ideal. We can attribute this shift to the arrival of a new breed of luxury startups, the swift spread of e-commerce, and a more discerning shopper — all factors which have grown within the last ten years.
A New Set of Standards
Luxury’s new code rewards products that are individualized, produced at small scale, and driven by a rigorous commitment to quality. New luxury startups, since steadily arriving since the mid-2000s, have been fundamental in pushing these new market standards; meanwhile, incumbent brands have been comparatively slow to adapt.
The Rise of Luxury’s New Innovators
Be it FarFetch or Net-a-Porter, Warby Parker or Bonobos, new luxury brands as a collective hive have become true market movers by altering consumer behavior and expectations, and each, in turn, have reaped the financial rewards. From Warby Parker’s $1.2 billion valuation in Q2 2015, to Stutterheim Raincoat’s $50 million annual turnover in just four years, these brands have grown rapidly, perfecting the new model for luxury along the way.
02: The Concept
Our Mission:
Bringing Luxury’s New Dynamics into Focus
Thought Process:
“He who should inspire and lead . . . must be defended from traveling with the souls of other men, from living, breathing, reading, and writing in the daily, time-worn yoke of their opinions.”
— Emerson
Although the definition of luxury continues to evolve even today, there’s been no source consistently — and exclusively — covering the emerging luxury economy from a serious business perspective. The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and their peers have occasionally covered individual brands and trends, but by chiefly reporting on what luxury’s incumbents are doing to cope, they’ve explained the new complexion of the market from an incomplete and narrow framework.
We’re resolved to changing that. At Lean / Luxe, we’re committed to context and illustrating the broader, more nuanced story. We think of ourselves as the Financial Times for the new luxury economy. We analyze how the idea of luxury is transitioning, as well as the intimate role that emerging luxury companies continue to play in that process.

Uniquely Positioned:
What Makes Us Different
*Context and Analysis over Commodified News

In today’s over-saturated news environment, readers flock to those who can present a clear point of view and deliver smart analysis on how and why each story matters. At our core, this is what we’re built to do: We take a concrete position and distill the trends, companies, and developments to help our readers best make sense of them.

*A Distinctly International Focus

Today, new luxury startups are just as likely to originate in Toronto, Copenhagen, or Melbourne as they are in New York, Los Angeles, or San Francisco. E-commerce has enabled any storefront or brand to in essence become a virtual outpost with impressive global reach. Because of this, we stress reportage that extends to all international markets where these companies exist, not just in the US.

*We Trust in Psychographics over Demographics

Rushing to exclusively court a single demographic segment — millennials, especially — as though the individuals within it are identical, is a risky, short-sighted strategy. Instead, we look to attract those of a shared mindset and temperament, irrespective of demographic profile or age group. We understand that we won’t appeal to everyone, so our efforts are concentrated on serving our core readers first.

*The Only Publication Covering New Luxury

There are plenty of outlets dedicated to style and fashion stories, but we are the only publication committed to the economic and business reportage on the new luxury marketplace. We consistently deliver the in-depth insight and analysis on this topic that isn’t found anywhere else. Quite simply, we trust in doing one thing and doing it extremely well.

Publication Blueprint:
Editorial Structure
Our tone is intelligent, informed, narrative, and contextual. We’ve placed an embargo on snark, and by drilling deeply on a topic that’s been underserved in serious coverage, we intend to flourish as the central business source for the emerging luxury community.
Global Coverage & Team
We’re carefully building out a strong network of international correspondents stationed in the top emerging luxury markets globally. Primary locations include: New York, London, Paris, Scandinavia, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
Taxonomy of Content
Original Reportage
Regularly scheduled, original coverage on the people, companies, and trends in emerging luxury
Premium Portfolios
Two week series each organized under separate themes and topics
News & Analysis
Noteworthy economic and business news and announcements complemented by thoughtful analysis

Evergreen Aggregation
Gathering (and adding our own contextual analysis on top of) the most relevant emerging luxury stories — both old and new — from across the web
Opinions, Essays, & Commentary
Op-eds, essays, commentary, and criticism from entrepreneurs, academics, executives, and experts from around the community

03: Our Audience